Treatment options
Color matters
If scale is not white, this is a good indicator there is something in the water that requires
additional treatment
Blue / green staining – Presence of copper in the water
Orange / red staining – Presence of iron in the water
Black staining – Presence of Manganese in water
Cloudiness and smell matters
Rotten egg smell – Hydrogen sulfide gas in the water
Cloudy water (Turbidity) – Clarifies over time, from the top down, or does not clear at all
Treatment Guide
Key: QC = Quick change CB = Carbon block RI = Refillable insert
Sequence Recommendations
Stage 1: Sediment
Katalox Light (microns < 3) or sediment filter
We HIGHLY recommend using some type of sediment filter (microns matter), inexpensively extends the life of carbon or media
Stage 2: Filtration (carbon)
Activesorb, Catalytic carbon or One & Done (Carbon block + scale media)
Stage 3: Heavy metals
Ferrolox or Titansorb carbon block
Stage 4: Scale prevention
Filtersorb SP3* (Temporary, >= 26 grains)
Stage 5: Scale prevention
Filtersorb CT** (Temporary and permanent, >=15 grains, untreated well water, silica)
Stage 6: Corrosion treatment