As a strong oxidizer with its highest capacity, REDOXY is employed to degrade almost all INORGANIC and ORGANIC impurities in all kind of water’s such as:
Surface Water
Ground Water
Waste Water
Applying REDOXY-3C will destroy all kind of Alcohols, Carboxylic compounds Amino acids, Phenol, Arsenic, Selenium, Nitrogen, Hydrogen Sulfide, dissolved
Ammonia, Heavy Metal, Toxic Ions, Cyanide, Hydroxylamine’s, Theorem, Thioacetamide, nitrogen and Sulphur containing compounds and much more.
REDOXY-3C dosing can start to significantly treat the water within 24 hours after application.
Treated with 7 1/2 pounds of REDOXY-3C.

No treatment

24 hours after pouring in REDOXY-3C

48 hours after applying REDOXY-3C.
Significant difference is the smell. Multiple comments and feedback how the rotten smell has been eliminated
This treatment is absolutely different that all other treatment’s in the water treatment industry.
An Endocrine is defined by Watch Water as “An Exogenous agent that interferes with the synthesis, secretion, transport, binding, action of elimination of natural hormones in the body that are responsible for the maintenance of homeostasis, reproduction, development, and/or behavior”.
The application of RED (Ferrate VI) in various applications of Watch-Water is associated with a NON-TOXIC by products which exaggerate it application in many different applications. As described Red-Oxy is an Adsorber FeOOH which is rendered as nontoxic chemical hence, the REDOXY treatment is absolutely free from the toxic of by products. Therefore, the entire treatment is known as the GREEN-TREATMENT
REDOXY-3C is known as unique “Multifunctional” with its green nature it is the chemical of NEXT GENERATION and could be used widely in future for the
remediation of the aquatic environment.